Friday, 14 March 2014

Microsoft Student Partner

I’ve briefly mentioned that I’m a Microsoft Student Partner. I’ll explain what it means, what we do and how to apply.

I’ve been a Microsoft Student Partner (MSP) for almost 2 years. It’s a very prestigious program for students passionate about Technology. This doesn’t just mean programmers, I’m a 3D Generalist and I think I fit in well with the program. Although most people in the program, they don’t necessarily study computers science. A good knowledge of Microsoft Products is recommended

How did I get in the program? I personally got in the program I think because of my technical skills, plus staying active in the field. I hold a personal tech blog and attend a lot of tech events. Before I joined I attended a hackathon in Belgium with my good friend at the time who was an MSP.
But Sean, I don’t have money to go to another country and tech events, I’m a student not a millionaire :<. Oh really? It cost me £80. It was really fast to get there too. I’d be happy to do it again, was a really fun experience and I personally don’t think there is an excuse for people not to be attending tech events, even around Europe, I’ve spent more money on weekends out!

In my first year of the program I worked with quite a few of the other MSPs and made some apps and games which were published on the Windows Market places. I did presentations to very technical audiences and built my connections in the field.  Second year I’ve done similar things so far, plus done some far more technical things at events (Such as the 3D printing I spoke about in a previous post).  A full list of events and talks I’ve done is available here

If you’re a student, passionate about tech and like Microsoft. Then why not apply!

Perks? Opportunity for free software, hardware and knowledge. I’ve slept in 5 star hotels, had amazing meals and travel is reimbursed. I can personally warn you that if you don’t take it seriously, then you won’t be taken seriously.

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