Saturday, 26 July 2014

How difficult is university?

In my opinion it’s rather easy, I found it easier that Sixth Form and so did many of my peers. Yet why are there still people that drop out and find it too difficult? There are some environmental and external factors that can lead to university getting to difficult. But its often because the student doesn't have a passion for the subject. I honestly don’t think intellect isn't an issue for most courses. Even think back to your own experience, the rather obvious correlation between the subjects you enjoy and the higher grades you got for them. The average Joe can get a degree if there passionate, though the smarter you are the wider subject areas you can take to the extent that a genius can get a degree in any subject area.

It will be difficult in pulses if you don’t plan. It’s not impossible, though you’re generally going to find it harder if you leave everything until the last minute. A good friend of mine who got a 1:1 would often leave things until the last minute. Literally uploading it seconds before it’s due in. It’s how he worked. It’s actually how I worked for a large time at university. I enjoy having that adrenaline rush before a deadline and I could easily stay up all night on an assignment. Although I also had a friend that’d do his coursework months before it was due. He’d panic if deadline got shortened and things like group assignments would be a little more stressful as everyone isn't normally like that. You usually find a good middle ground by the time you finish. Like I planned and scheduled my work. So I'll get that same adrenaline rush based on my own deadline which is due before the actual deadline giving time for any issues.  

To conclude if you enjoy a subject and think a degree would benefit you, do it. You’ll have some hard times, but that’s a part of the experience. I love doing what I do, I’ll happily read and watch related videos for hours on end. Please keep into consideration that your passion can change. I know people that no longer want to work in the field. University gave them experience on what they’d be doing in industry and they’d rather keep it as a stress free hobby, don't let that detour you as some are studying a different field for their master degree.

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